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* Limited Offer Until Stocks Last.
* All Offers are Auto Applied.
*Offers can be Combined.
This helmet is exactly what I was looking for. My 18 m old has small head and it was hard to find a helmet that would fit. This one has option to adjust, has very soft padding all around so it is comfortable to wear. Design is very cute. Can't wait to go for a ride .
This helmet is so cute. My daughter (18 months) loves it and I love that it stays in place and she's safe and protected while she rides in the bike trailer.
This helmet is perfect for my 14 month old. It fits too perfectly even at the loosest setting. But it’s very lightweight and he only hates it for a second when we are putting it on him which is expected. He gets used to it very quickly.
This helmet is exactly what I was looking for. My 18 m old has small head and it was hard to find a helmet that would fit. This one has option to adjust, has very soft padding all around so it is comfortable to wear. Design is very cute. Can't wait to go for a ride .
This helmet is so cute. My daughter (18 months) loves it and I love that it stays in place and she's safe and protected while she rides in the bike trailer.
This helmet is perfect for my 14 month old. It fits too perfectly even at the loosest setting. But it’s very lightweight and he only hates it for a second when we are putting it on him which is expected. He gets used to it very quickly.